Wednesday, July 31, 2013

falsampah malam ramadan yang berhujan

Satu titik air mata gugur,
Satu dendam dekat diri sendiri,
Satu titik air mata gugur,
Satu pilu yang menghiris hati,
Satu titik air mata gugur,
Satu keinginan untuk memiliki,
Satu titik air mata gugur,
Satu harapan yang hancur leroi,
Satu titik air mata gugur,
Satu kehilangan dari diri,
Satu air mata gugur,
Satu penantian yang menyiksakan,
Satu air mata gugur,
Satu nafas yang kian sayup,
Satu air mata yang gugur,
Satu kepastian suratanNya.
Maka gugur lah semua air mata itu,
Bersama harapan,keyakinan, keikhlasan,
yang mengalir sederas peristiwa titisan yang menjadi sungai.
Sungai yang dipegang oleh jiwa
Kekuatan jiwa itu dipegang oleh hati
Hati dipegang oleh otak
Otak dipegang manusia
dan manusia, dipegang cinta.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

rindu nak bercinta..

kau milik aku
kau tak boleh tengok dia
kau milik aku
kau jangan senyum pada dia
kau milik aku
kau jangan pegang tangan dia
kau milik aku
kau jangan cium dia
kau milik aku
kau jangan peluk dia
kau milik aku
kau jangan..

aku milik kau
kau tak tengok aku
aku milik kau
tapi kau marah aku
aku milik kau
tapi aku menangis tak dipujuk
aku milik kau
tapi aku tersiksa
aku milik kau
tapi kau biarkan aku pergi
aku milik kau
tapi aku tak berhak bersuara
aku milik..

suka atau tak suka
cinta tu buta
suka atau tak suka
orang pandang paras rupa
suka atau tak suka
pompuan mostly kejar harta
suka atau tak suka
lelaki dilahirkan dengan ego
suka atau tak suka
bercinta itu sakit
suka atau tak suka
tak ada sesiapa lagi sakit dari bercinta.

jadi sebab itu
aku tunggu kau
kerana aku tau
bila sampainya majlis akad nikah itu
dengan takdir tuhan
yang semuanya terletak pada dia
aku akan menangis
sebab aku berjaya dan menang
dalam hidup yang selama ini; hanya ada mungkin.

antara burger daging dan burger ayam.

aku pilih daging. the end.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

bersiap ke piknik

piknik tepi tasik.
piknik yang panic.
panic sebab panas.
panas sebab cuaca.
cuaca yang panas.
panas yang memanickan.
panic ketika piknik.

makaroni goreng merah

satu benda asing yang aku xpernah masak
satu makanan yang aku jarang makan
satu dosa untuk cakap tak pernah rasa
tapi itu aku.
hanya aku dan macaroni saja yang tau.

namun macaroni ini
adalah hasil usahaku
kerna aku tau macaroni ini bermakna
walaupun aku tak tau macamana rasa ideal macaroni goreng
aku cuba mendekatinya
menambah cili boh yang ku kira menambah nikmat
sedikit sos tiram yang kujumpa dalam peti sejuk
ku tambah garam bagi menambah pengalamannya
ku sulam dengan kemanisan gula yang tinggal kerak-kerak di rak
ku rendamkan daging cincang yang bagiku, seakan hati aku yang rapuh.
macaroni itu merenung aku.
aku rasa macaroni tu berulang kali,
tapi aku xpasti.
adakah ini macaroni ideal?
seperti kurang garam tapi garam sudah habis.
patutkah aku letak kicap?
tapi kicap jalen itu lebih menakutkan.
biar tawar tapi jangan masin.
itu fikirku.

aku berjaya masak macaroni.
walaupun ia xsempurna,
tapi aku tau macaroni ini
memberi seribu macam refleksi pada hidupku.
aku sedar yang aku xmengerti macaroni.
sama seperti macaroni tak mengerti aku.
kerana pada akhirnya,
seluruh hidupku,
aku tak pernah belajar mengerti apa itu macaroni.

akan ku dekati kau sekali lagi,
bila hati ini sudah yakin,
bila mulut sudah biasa,
dengan kenikmatanmu,

Friday, May 10, 2013

mensurirumahkan diri sendiri di tengahari sabtu.

Pagi ni, aku duduk sorang kat rumah. ayah ngan mama pergi Melaka untuk kerja. well, dengan bekalan mee hoon goring mama masak ntah pukul bape, yg tiba-tiba dinotify kepada aku melalui smsnya "Iqa, mee hoon goring bawah tudung saji. Boleh bawak bekal". Macam tau tau je harini aku plan nak g piknik. Tapi da plan nk cuba masak macaroni smlm, aiseh, ade dua menu la jadinya nanti. Makaroni aku xpernah cuba masak, begitu juga ngan adik-beradik mee yang lain. Nasik da qatam masak dah. Jadi, Aku dengan perasan happynye menjenguk ke dalam tudung saji walaupun mata masih sepet macam orang jepun. Oh my.. satu periuk Nasik penuh dengan mee hoon. ni nak bagi satu kampong makan ke ape ni, kataku spontan. eceh.

Satu benda kene tau, depan bilik aku officially jadi swimming pool aka toilet si kucing. Setiap pagi tanpa segan silu dierang akan bagi hadiah. Kalau nasib xbaik, kaki ni senang aje pijak swimming pool ni. Kalau naib baik, ala ala mission impossible la nk melangkah swimming pool yang besar tu. so, dari situ tercetusnya satu pemikiran logic di pagi sabtu, aku nak training jadi surirumah harini.

Wohoo. First thing first, pemilihan baju. Kalau ikut surirumah kena pakai kain batik. Tapi aku pakai kain  batik asyik terlucut dalam masa 10 minit, jadi aku pakai dress. Bahaha. Style gak, ni dah kira suburban mom dah ni. Ketawa sorang sorang di pagi sabtu, aku mula rasa macam aku dah ke arah psycho sikit. Ok, baju, checked. Bahan nak masak macaroni dah settle smlm. Tinggal siapkan mop lantai ngn sabun dia. Ade pulak sabun lantai bau serai kat rumah ni. Bangga aku dengan ketradisionalan ayah aku yang merupakan surirumah sepenuh masa lepas dia bersara haritu.

Step pertama, bukak kipas bagi cepat kering. Step kedua, angkat semua kucing yang tengah menidurkan diri mereka di atas lantai. 10 ekor kesemuanya. campak di mana-mana macam atas sofa dan meja. Setiap ketiga buat gaya kakak-kakak sambil bukak tv channel starworld. Step keempat, mengemop. Step kelima, basuh balik mop. Step keenam, mop second time. Step ketujuh, basuh balik mop. Step ke lapan, duduk jap tengok tv. Step ke Sembilan, amik comforter, sumbat dalam mesin basuh. haish. banyak tul kne buat. sebab tu la peluang untuk mensurirumahkan diri agak tipis kebelakangan ni. Bukan ape, tengok ah bape banyak step aku kne buat.

Skang ni, hanya step ketiga yang sempat sebab tengah amik mood nk ke step yang lain. Xsabar nak berpiknik, jangan hujan sudahlah. Kang piknik atas katil lagi jawapnye. Im so gonna be a good mother someday. haha.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Exam. Exam Exam. non stop exam. exam teori aku xkesah sbb aku bole hafal teori. exam practical yg sakit. groupwork. designs. macam macam. Hari buruh memang kena dengan keadaan kami yang tak ubah macam buruh indon. haiyo.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Semua House dan Iron Man 3

Semua House. Sepanjang 23 taun aku duduk KL, baru smalam aku tau Semua House tu kat mana. KEsian sungguh. Dimaki habis habisan dengan budak budak yang xse-KL aku. Damm. Aku dah agak dah, Semua House ni xkan Nampak mcm Pavillion, atau Sogo, atau Curve. Sebaik aku x letak high hopes, sebab semua house ni macam Pertama, cantik sikit je. Anyway, aku pegi situ sbb nak cari stuff for Costume Design. Its a lovely Wedding's Heaven! Trus naluri keperempuanan menusuk nusuk hati, oh god, I wanna get married, fast! They're too pretty. Pastu aku rasa nak nagis lak, bila fikir-fikir, agak Nye sape la nak kawin ngan aku, serious cakap, aku susah btul nak jumpa orang yang akan boleh terima aku, sbb im handful to deal with. The one yang bole handle pon, akan naik gila. SO as I sat down, outside the Wedding Stuff's Store, my eyes wandered around. And yes, besides the godamit awesome shop, baju jual baju pengantin lak. Weyh.. serious cakap, hujan kat KL yang sampai banjir sejak akhir2 ni xseteruk hujan banjir dalam hati gua. Kalau divisualkan keluar perasaan gua masatu, rasanya terowong smart dah kne tutup habis sebab banjir melimpah, KLCC tinggal separuh penuh banjir.

Kenapa eh?

Mungkin aku ni cepat patah semangat kot. Biasa la aku, bila da dapat yang paling bagus pon, ade je yang xkena. Bila dah terlepas, mak aih baru berbanjir-banjir. Satu lagi aku xpandai btul nak ckp ape aku rasa. Kalau aku suka kat orang pon, aku diam. Ake sedih, aku diam. haiyo. Macamane la nak ade orang bole tahan. Cerewet lak tu. Serious tak kene tempat kekadang. wth weyy. Patut la jadi camni.

Iron Man tu sebab aku g tengok lepas Semua House. it  was okay. Not my cup of tea, but ok. Its an action movies, cool effects, but that's all. Aku suka cerita yang bole buat fikir sikit. Ni seakan-akan tengok telenovela kt tv, yg kita xfhm ape dia ckp, tp lg bagus just tgk acting dia dr dengar alih suara yang pelik bebenor bunyiknye.

Anyway, as I was heading Home, suddenly I was struck by my own thoughts. What if I loose the person I care the most right now, and im gonna be lonely again? U see, I've came across a lot from my past love life, and its not all sweet. They taught me. And that's why im here. But what if, im gonna be all lonely again. And to be honest, its creeping in. Sigh. I have only one answer lepas berfikir banyak sangat, ni effect Semua House! Mayb aku akan just kawin dengan sesiapa yang masuk meminang nanti. InsyaAllah. :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Peristiwa ayam goreng kicap.

Pagi ni aku bgn, 1125 masih considered pagi kn? Heh, anak dara. Anyway, aku bangun dengan sakit kepala tahap ultramen. Ada la bape kali akucuba duduk tapi rasa nak pitam. Dalam sakit sakit ni timbul naluri keibuan secara tiba tiba, aku nak masak. Aku nak masak ayam masak kicap. Kenapa masak kicap? Sebab bila aku masak, aku jarang nk mkn ape aku masak, aku suka tgk org mkn. Dalam kes ni, mangsanya ialah en x. Dia suka ayam masak kicap. Ayam masak kicap bagi dia ibarat ayam nando's bagi aku. Betapa senangnye la isteri dia nnti, yer dok?

Eceh dengan semangat aku pergi ke peti ais. Bahagian karnivor peti ais ni byk lauk dalam tupperwear ngn plastik bungkus2 mcm.. Uhhh. Ntah la, aku rasa plastik tu unik. Anyway, aku capai satu palstik yg saiznya manja manja. Ok la, bukak ade 2 ketul je ayam. Aik. Pastu aku nampak satu plastik yg jernih dgn sekor ayam.dekat luar plastik tulis, pieces, sebab bahagian depan label tu da koyak rasenye. Eceh. Jadi dengan gaya masterchef, aku proceed amik ayam yg besar tu. defrost dulu sbb ayam tu klau baling anjing, rasanya anjing tu pon ikut terbang dengan ayam yg dibaling. Mcm naik lrt lak.

Whattahell, aku merepek lagi. So anyway, lepas da defrost, aku dengan bangganya memeriksa ayam besar tu. lama tul defrost, dekat 30 minit, tu xkira bape kali i kuar masuk dapur kot kot ayam tu terbang ke. Skali check, ok ni, besar tul dia potong.sekali lagi check, aku dah menyumpah. Ayam tu whole chicken! Aku xtau adakah ini magik, atau kebengapan aku. Dengan sedihnya aku mintak maaf kat ayam whole tu, masukkan dalam plastik transparent, masuk balik dalam peti ais dan aku capai ayam dua ketul tu.

Pendek cerita, xkn la nak kene cerita resipi ke ape, masa aku goreng 2 ketul tu, aku jaga mereka macam jaga anak kucing. Bila satu dah ready and aku angkat, aku tgk yg seketul lagi tu macam manja manja pulak masaknya, cam lame lagi je. So aku pon proceed ke bilik untuk mengonlinekan diri aku dalam masa 2 minit. Haa pastu bak tang, bila tgk balik ayam yg tgh mandi minyak panas tu, dia dah jadi negro. Ya negro. Tuka kerakyatan dari melayu ke negro. Aaaaa. Xsedar diri betul, penat aku jaga, kau jadi negro. Ayam pon pandai melawan.

P/s: aku lastnya cakap kat en x, bole masak seketul je. Tapi aku xbgtau en x yg satu lagi tuka kerakyatan. Takut dia tergelak sakan. Dammm.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Carls jr adalah burger untuk dinasour.

Carls jr adalah burger yg gigantic. Xlayak dimakan oleh midget midget atau hipster atau kanchik kanchik yg cuba jaga badan. Sesuai dengan harganya, carls jr mmg patut diberi nama carls matured. Langkah ke carls jr xboleh diambil ketika perut rasa cam nk beralas. Tidak. Ia harus diambil ketika perut dah melolong.


Itulah kekuatan carls jr.

Tapi chillie cheese fries dia rasa macam rendang daging arab.

Dan yang keluar di pagi harini nnti jugak akan berendang.

Oh carls jr.

Penangan maxima.

Tapi bila fikir fikir balik, penangan carls jr xsama macam kerang bakar uptown damansara. Dah nama tekak malaysian, sogok dengan carls jr, itu pon xmau dia. Haih pak cik carls. Patut strategi pemasaran yang bagus, nak masuk market malaysia, kena letak rasa malaysia kot. Burger seperstar with kerang bakar. Or burger superstar with rendang flavour. Yg tu rasa nya ok. Tp xtau la taste wisenya.

Sbb tu org tua tua ckp, da nama melayu. Melayu je la. Xpayah nak omputih sangat. Mungkin itu maksudnya. Ye ke?


He came into my life
I rejected the feelings
But i couldnt deny my heart

He never fails me
Hes there when i need him
Hes making me smile like a silly cow
And hes making me blush like a burned pau.

And comes the tiny ants,
Slowly eating our own sweet jam,
Thus to preserve it i close the lids
And hopes that he bare with me.

And now hes going groceries
Im afraid hes gonna buy a new jam
I can just hope he understand
That the jam is always safe with me.
And i all i wanted was
To keep it safe in the fridge
And eat it with him
Forever and eternity.


Hari xproduktif sedunia. No, minggu xproduktif sedunia.

Bilik ni. Bilik ni macam kapal karam. Baju bersepah macam kedai bundle. Pinggan bersusun macam kedai makan cina depan rumah. Katil, nk tdo mmg dah ada bantal yg memang park siap siap untuk power nap. Habuk kt dindig mcm mansion house yag kena tinggal berjuta taun.

Hari x produktif, bila masuk bilik, rasanya nak jadikn bilik ni mcm showroom ikea. Tapi at last cuma terikat kat bau bantal yang dah bergoogle map satu india.

Kalau secara xrasionalnya, rasa mmg patut pergi upah cleaner.

Secara rasionalnya, its time, to pick up, slap my lazy ass, and just do it.

But bau brownies menusuk nusuk dalam hidung.

Aha, produktif kepada bilik mungkin x. Tp produktif kepada kitchen, mcm punch card org gomen.

Tunggu la jp lg kalau ada mood. Nanti.

Makan adalah cinta.

Cinta itu makan. Makan itu cinta. Makan dgn org yang dicinta. Tapi bukan makan orang dicinta. Makan dengan orang dicinta lebih sedap. Makan dengan member biasa cuma kenyang, dan banyak. Makan dengan orang dicinta sikit, tapi kenyang and sedap. Makan dengan orang dicinta xpyh perisa lain. Cinta dah cukup. Semua sedap. Gaduh pon kena makan jugak sebab dah bayar. Masam muka, tapi makan jugak sebab cinta. Cinta buat kita makan dalam time laps yang sangat sekejap. Sebab tu valentines course meal ade 3. Appertiser, main dengan desert. Sebab bila cinta, semua sedap. Aku rindu cinta, sebab tu aku xmakan banyak macam dulu. Sekarang, cinta makan aku.

Hidup potato chip

Kosongnye. Itu je sinonim kosongnya hidup aku. Macam potato chip kat rak 7e, yg bila kita goncang, memang jual angin je. Tapi beli gak sebab teringin, bila bukak, baru kita sedar kosongnya potato chip tu.

Penting sangat ke potato chip ni? Aku dah came across banyak potato chip, yg dah ajar aku banyak pasal brand brabd potato chip kat luar sana. Ada yang sedap. Ada yang mahal. Ada yg memang plain awesome. Tp aku nk potato chip yang boleh makan sampai bila bila, infinate punya potato chip.

I just lost a potato chip which i felt the best one so far, but i let it go sebab i wanted the taste solely ontuk rasanya, bukan just makan cepat cepat. I wish i can bgtau potato chip tu, i really love u, i do, and i still, and i want u back, but i dunno how to say it. Oh potato chip, be my potato chip back coz i really really miss u.. I dunno how to reach u oh my dear potato chip, but i wish u'd hear me. Potato chip yang ni degil sikit kentangnya, sebijik mcm aku. Mmg kata org, serasi. Eceh. Tu yg payah tu, bila potato chip ni hbs dibeli aku, dah sold out, xtau nak beli balik camne. Haish.

Bila fikir fikir balik, aku sendri xsure ape yg aku nak dlm semua potato chip ni. Aku rasa aku jumpa dah thebest, adakah ada yang lg best? Xnk fikir. Sbb aku dah selesa sgt dgn potato chip yg ni. Although dia xtau yg aku still nak dia jd potato chip aku, aku boleh just mimpi mimpi aje dia dtg mlm2, dlm mimpi. Tapi sygnya, aku xtau cmne nk bgtau potato chip ni.

Haih. Potato chip potato chip. Susahnya la nak hidup camni. Aku rasa, potato chip aku tu, tgh cari pemilik yang lain. Patut ke aku tough it up and ckp, let me be urs, once and forever again. :(

Btw potato chip tu bkn potato chip, duh.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blabbering about people and love.

Im hurt. And I cried a whole river. But its still my fault? The blame is always with me no matter what i did, no matter what i tried. how am i suppose to fake a smile anymore? When everything i did is wrong. Every single thing i said is wrong. How am i suppose to deal with this heart of mine? Sew it or staple it so that it will stop bleeding. I feel this burn, this intoxicating feel of just go away somewhere far far away. But in the end, i still have to face this. Why cant people cheer me up when im down, they just make it worst. They just assume and assume and assume, then bash me for being down. When im trying to get back my my feet, they'll bash me then im on my knees again. What the hell happened? Its just too hard, too heart breaking. I cant do this anymore.

Friday, January 11, 2013


S P A C E- WTH will go wrong with that?

Everything. Call me insane, again, but everything will go wrong. What im talking about is in relationship.

Let me tell u story, and this is from my side.

A man and a women, will fall in love. They'll pledge to be on their best behavior and effort for each other. Think about it, we all got our own time, and our own life journey that we have to go through before we got here. To where exactly we are standing.

So everyone got their own reasons, and experiences.

What i can say is, giving out too much spaces, u will end up down in the drain. Yes, not meeting each other or hanging out everyday might do u good. But, too much of them will hurt ur relationship.

Its not right to judge people by their mistakes and bad behavior, worst if u do comparisons.

I tend to be quiet all the time and not compare people, but when i do, ill try my best not to say it out loud.

Because i know, im not perfect myself and all these times, for 23 years, ive been given enough space in my life to suffer or to learn the hard truth about life lessons by my parents.

SO thats why im afraid of spaces. U see, when u give out too much spaces, they will be expert at something. Covering things up, Comparing you to someone else, Sneaking around your back, etcs..

Why cant i just find something else to do? I couldnt.

Should i not go and talk to a guy when my loved one is twitting with other girls? Bhahaha am i jelous of twitter? No im not, im just seeing things differently. Im not saying im trying to complain, but, if it does, well, its gonna sound stupid, i know.

U see, im giving out spaces. Im trying to give myself some space as well.

Its not revenge, its a fair trade. If u can compare, so do i. Well i live long enough to understand people.

SPACE is important, but the more u acknowledge them, u gonna drift far far away.

Lets not say that.

Lets say, SPACE will do us good. Yes, i can deal with that, but im not gonna be all quiet.

Coz space, for me, somehow, will either be the best decision u'll ever make, or the worst.

Friday, January 4, 2013



Matters. A lot. While most of the girls are starting to think they should settle down, get married, have kids, me on other hands, NO.

I wanna learn. And learn more about life, about creating my path, about crafting my future,first, then i would think to settle down.

Why bother to get married when u have absolutely no idea of how hard it will be outside?

Its a fierce world, the least person u may think would be there to hold out a knife down your throat and boom- u're dead.

Im not saying i had a lot of experience, but i think its enough, all right.

I had those moment; The One Moment: the moment where u think u've met ur Mr Right Guy, the Im-Gonna-Kill-Myself Moment where everything crumbles in ur life and u felt like nothing's working so its better to die, the Pathetic Moment where u just wanna crawl up to ur bed and snuggle to sniff ur best blanket and cry all night, the Im a Star moment where u feel like u r making a change, or a sudden impact to someone's life by doing something and etc..

But why settle down now?

Afraid of getting hurt i think may b one of the answer.

Vicious land. But with a twist. Everyone seems nice. Everyone seems happy, except u.


Everyone's unhappy about something all the time. The sweetest girl might kept some skeleton in the closet. The most vicious looking man might just be a very good guy.

People struggle to keep up with expectation their whole life.

I do too. A lot.

So, lets just give our poor heart a rest, and think before leaping into something that is so huge.

After all, age is just a number.

But, the way u see ur life, well, that counts.

Just saying~


Its 2013 *wohoo* fireworks and parties!

No, not me. i stayed away from public places that time. Long story. Anyway,

New Year : New Goals.


Why should we put new goals?

So we can have a check-list of what we want in our new year?

So we can tell people what we wish we would have, or own?

So we can look back to last year and say,"Maybe this year, im gonna.."

Its something personal. Its something that we hope we would be able to do.

SO its kinda awesome in a way, it might works for someone.

But apparently not ME.

U see, Im done hoping. Im DONE.

Because when u hope, u r going to expect.

When u expect, u r going to push everything into that road.

And then, u gonna hurt people.

Call me insane, but everyone is a bitch to another's hope.

Its true, unless u r very inhuman like, i mean, envy, desperate, name-calling..etc etc..

Everyone had came across these feelings.

Even cats felt jealous.

SO why bother?

Hoping to get a new relationship that gonna lasts forever, and Hope he'll understand u and vice versa.

That wouldn't work.

New Gadgets and Cars, then when another year come around, u will buy a new one.


Why now?

U can always dream, not only in New Year.

U can always expect flowers from ur loved ones, not only Valentine's Day.

Why not?

Because people are going through in a circle, thats why.

They already plan a year ahead of their lives, pre-judging everything in between, and expecting some problems to came up. SO when the time really came, if there's no problem, u gonna create one to full fill ur expectations.

Why not stop when u can and avoid everything?
Why u wanna dwell instead on fixing things?

So lets not be a robot, a robot of the future, where everything is in ur fingertips. And conversation turns awkward. And talking about this lifestyle may trigger some hipster's heart or what-so-ever. Be original.

Because, unless u did, life will bite u in the butt, like a juicy Carl's Jr Burger.


That moment.

When u drive around in ur car, tears streaming out, or when u had a good day, and suddenly, the radio play songs that describe ur mood. When u r crying, out of no where, sad songs stream like they know ur heart is gonna bleed out, literally. Or when u had a good day, and the songs will be chirpy and catchy, makes u wanna fly into the sky and lay on the bed of clouds. Well, im not exactly am driving now, and not in my car. But if i had to sum up, the best songs, some of them, to what im feeling now, its:

"Penguin"- Christina Perri

Can you find the time 
to let your lover love you 
He only wants to show you 
The things he wants to learn too 
The hardest parts you'll get through 
And in the end you'll have your best friend 

Can you find the time to let your lover hold you 
He needs somebody to hold to 
His love is strong and so true 
His arrows aiming for you 
And he's the one that you were born to love 

Let go 
Let go 
of time for you 
and I 
Let go 
Let go 
of time for you 
and I 
Let go 
Let go 
of time for you 
and I 

"Somewhere Only We Know"- Keane

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

"Wonderwall"- Oasis

Today was gonna be the day
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do, about you now

And all the roads that lead you there are winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I
Would like to say to you but I don't know how.

Thats what i wanna hear now. Over and over again.